Corset plots are a visualization technique used to visualize repeat measures at 2 time points (such as pre- and post- data). Specifically, corset plots visualize the distribution of measurements at each time point, as well as the trajectories of individual change. This method of visualization is ideal for showing the heterogeneity of data and differences by sub-groups.
The ‘ggcorset’ package relies on ‘ggplot2’ to make its visualizations, allowing for easy customization and integration with other ‘ggplot2’ objects. This vignette will introduce uses of this visualization technique, as well as how to make customizations using ‘ggplot2’. For specific functionality, the GitHub README1 or the CRAN Package Manual2 should be consulted.
The ‘ggcorset’ package provides two functions –
and gg_corset_elongated()
– which
produce visualizations for wide and long data formats, respectively. The
visualizations produced by these functions are identical.
The c_var variable is a user-defined variable that
make the individual-level changes interpretable, and should be chosen
strategically. This variable can be a discrete value reflecting change
types or sub-groups. It can also be a continuous value to highlight
levels of change. As such, various c_var
strategies are
outlined in this vignette.
A corset plot consists of:
distribution at each time point using half violins (overall distributions and/ or distributions by group);
individual trajectories of change between each time point; and optionally
‘eyelets’ showing either the standard error mean (SEM), or mean +/- 1 standard deviation (SD) by group
The plot above was created using the sample ggcorset data
“drinkdays”, and by creating a variable which captures the direction of
change across the two time points. The theme_ggcorset()
used to polish the visualization alongside a few ggplot2 commands to
customize the titles and axes, as denoted below:
# LOAD "drinkdays" data from the ggcorset package
# Magnitude of change: Subtract T1 from T2
drinkdays$change <- drinkdays$time2-drinkdays$time1
# Direction of Change
drinkdays$direction <- ifelse(drinkdays$change<0,"Decrease",
ifelse(drinkdays$change>0,"Increase","No Change"))
drinkdays$direction <- factor(drinkdays$direction,
levels = c("Increase","No Change","Decrease"))
# CORSET PLOT: Basic plot + theme_ggcorset()
plot <- gg_corset(drinkdays, y_var1 = "time1", y_var2 = "time2",
c_var = "direction", group = "id", eyelets = T) +
# ADDITIONAL ggplot2 commands
plot +
# Changes legend title, and selects a colour-palette
scale_colour_manual("Direction of Change",
values = MetBrewer::met.brewer("Ingres",3)) +
# Changes the plot title
ggtitle("Change in Drinking Days") +
# Changes the y-axis title
ylab("Number of Drinking Days per Week") +
# Changes the x-axis title (removes in favour of the 2 time point labels below)
xlab("") +
# Changes the labels of the 2 time points (on the x-axis)
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Pre","Post")) +
# Makes the legend lines thicker
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linewidth = 3)))
Corset plots can also be faceted using the
faceted = TRUE
argument. There are 3 design options
available using the facet_design
. Eyelets can be used in
conjunction with the faceted corset plots, if desired. The default
is “original” which simply facets the corset
plots by the c_var
The “group” option allows for the overall distribution to be plotted
in the same colour as the vio_fill
whilst a semi-opaque
distribution of the c_var
is situated ontop the overall
gg_corset(drinkdays, y_var1 = "time1", y_var2 = "time2",
c_var = "direction", group = "id", faceted = T, facet_design = "group") +
theme_ggcorset() +
scale_colour_manual("Direction of Change",
values = MetBrewer::met.brewer("Demuth",3, direction = -1)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = MetBrewer::met.brewer("Demuth",3, direction = -1)) +
ggtitle("Change in Drinking Days") +
ylab("Number of Drinking Days per Week") + xlab("") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Pre","Post")) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linewidth = 3)))